Russia and Syria reported that biomedical samples from the victims of attacks on August 24-25 in Jobar and Ashrafiyah Sahnaya tested positive for sarin exposure. One sample taken by the UN from the Jobar attack a month later tested positive, while from the Ashrafiyah attack, a UN sample taken 5 days after the attack and 3 samples taken a month later all tested negative.
In July 2013, a Syrian national connected to Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria, and four Turkish citizens, were accused of attempting to acquire chemicals (in Turkey) in order to produce sarin.
A video uploaded to in April 2014 purports to show the aftermath of a chemical attack by Jabhat al-Nusra fighters.
A video uploaded to Youtube in July 2013 by a pro-Assad channel includes a purported recording of members of an opposition group (
Who carried out the chemical attack in Ghouta on August 21, 2013?